Fotona 8D Pro SmoothEye™

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APTOS Threads with Hyaluronic Acid

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‧圖片只供參考,療程效果因人而異。‧ NuMe名人美學概念保留隨時更改或終止條款及細則的權利,而無須另行通知。‧如有任何爭議,NuMe名人美學概念保留最終決定權。


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TEOSYAL® Products

The full TEOSYAL® range of products consists of unique dermal fillers with differing gel densities and unique properties making each one specific to treating different areas of the face and achieve different results, from prevention of fine lines and/or wrinkles to remodeling the contour of the face.

The TEOSYAL RHA® products were created by TEOXANE Laboratories according to a patented process, making it possible to meet the specific requirements of mobile facial areas. This technology preserves the natural characteristics of the hyaluronic acid molecules to obtain gels with high purity, close to the natural content of hyaluronic acid in the skin.



For the treatment of fine wrinkles in the face, neck and décolleté.



For the treatment of moderate wrinkles on the upper face such as glabella, forehead and crow’s feet or to add volume to the lips and/or enhance their contour.

NOTE: TEOSYAL RHA® 2 exists also without lips indication, the product availability depends on registration, please contact your local distributor.



For the treatment of deep wrinkles on the face such as nasolabial folds, vertical lip lines, deep lines and creases, cheek augmentation and to restore the shape of the face3.

NOTE: TEOSYAL RHA® 3 exists also without lips indication, the product availability depends on registration, please contact your local distributor.



Designed to provide volume in dynamic extended areas such as the cheeks and facial contours.


Source from: Good Union






















【香港針神 影后之選✅】

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👑影后級醫美中心 藝術之美無可比擬




🏆#NuMe香港針神療程 真正優勢:

.輪廓塑形技術,令 #塑形不只是塑形 — 有形,仲有神!#氣質 同 #精緻度 絕非其他公司同類療程能夠比擬。
. #交叉及平行技術,真正去除皺紋
.#正廠正貨 醫美針劑,絕不胡亂稀釋


💫透明質酸、💫肉毒桿菌素瘦面、💫瘦腿針、💫瘦肩針、💫童顏針、💫美肌針💫少女針、💫逆時針、💫Placentex三文魚針、💫淚溝黑眼圈針,仲有💫香港鼻王👃 及 💫8合1水光冰冰針 等。無論係 ✅輪廓塑造、✅活化皮膚細胞、✅改善膚質、✅身體塑形,NuMe都能為你全方位做到。👃「香港鼻王」美鼻療程更針對「點、線、面、立體、協調」5D全方位矯正鼻形,效果高挺自然。


🏆真正針神 獎項認證顯實力

・2013 – 2020連續7年成為Derma Veil指定醫美中心,及香港Derma Veil指導醫學團隊
・2016 – 2021年,連續5年度榮獲 德國XEOMIN肉毒桿菌素 - 全港銷量冠軍,連荷里活金像影后Gwyneth Paltrow桂莉芙柏德露都為XEOMIN代言
・2016 – 2021年,蟬聯5年度 Merz藥廠(新一代肉毒桿菌XEOMIN、Belotero透明質酸、Radiesse微晶瓷膠原美肌針、Ulthera超聲刀)— 香港區組合銷量冠軍(金獎)
・2016 – 2021年,蟬聯5年度 Merz藥廠(新一代肉毒桿菌XEOMIN、Belotero透明質酸、Radiesse微晶瓷膠原美肌針、Ulthera超聲刀)— 香港區組合銷量大獎(最高成就獎)
・2018 – 2021年,連續3年度擊敗日本、新加坡、馬來西亞等地各大醫美中心,榮獲 Merz藥廠(新一代肉毒桿菌XEOMIN、Belotero透明質酸、Radiesse微晶瓷膠原美肌針、Ulthera超聲刀)亞太區組合銷量大獎(最高成就獎)
・2019 – 2021,連續2年度獲得 Belotero最佳醫美診所組別用戶(全港銷量冠軍)
・2020 – 2021,榮獲 Belotero REVIVE最佳合作伙伴
・2019 – 2020,榮獲 Belotero Effortless Beauty亞太區最佳合作伙伴



💡NuMe 獨設「十不」及「十大」醫美保障,消除您對香港針神療程的不安。





1 . 香港針神,豐富經驗,極致美感,為每位客人量身設計療程
3.香港鼻王,運用結構工程學與結構力學,以透明質酸及韓式5D Hiko技術,為您塑造高挺鼻
6.Merz Aesthetics原廠認證 Xeomin®️純淨肉毒桿菌素 香港區注射培訓導師主理,醫學主導

‧圖片只供參考,療程效果因人而異。‧ NuMe名人美學概念保留隨時更改或終止條款及細則的權利,而無須另行通知。‧如有任何爭議,NuMe名人美學概念保留最終決定權。

BELOTERO® Let Your True Self Shine Through

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Beauty is about allowing your character and personality to shine through.
You don’t want a filler that ‘owns’ you; you want a filler that naturally integrates into your tissue, so that you can retain your identity and express your emotions with confidence.Thanks to the BELOTERO® portfolio of fillers, it’s possible to have a personal treatment tailored to you, so that you feel empowered, own your age and own your beauty.


Natural Looking Results
BELOTERO® is a family of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers with natural tissue integration, enabling your aesthetic practitioner to create subtle, smooth results while respecting the natural contours of your face. It is a tailored portfolio that can be used to fill wrinkles and restore facial volume in an holistic approach that respects your individuality.


Mode of Action
The BELOTERO® difference is the combination of Cohesive Polydensified Matrix® (CPM®) technology for integration into the skin, whilst respecting facial movement and expression for a natural appearance.

BELOTERO®’s specific manufacturing process known as CPM® technology, results in different densities of HA, creating a combination of high and low density zones. This allows the gel to ‘mimic’ tissue behaviour, to ensure optimal integration of the gel into the surrounding tissue. For you this means that BELOTERO® integrates seamlessly into your skin and stays intact for lasting effect.

THE BELOTERO® Range and Treatment Areas

A Tailored Treatment Experience
The BELOTERO® family of fillers is a tailored portfolio that can be used to fill wrinkles and restore facial volume in an holistic approach that respects your individuality.

Source from: Merz Pharma


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DERMA VEIL – Medik Pro 醫療集團


‧圖片只供參考,療程效果因人而異。‧ NuMe名人美學概念保留隨時更改或終止條款及細則的權利,而無須另行通知。‧如有任何爭議, NuMe名人美學概念保留最終決定權。



Radiesse – Smooth Wrinkles & Folds

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Source:Merz Pharma


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MACROLANE & #RESTYLANE PRODUCTS Galderma is a global dermatology company  partnering with healthcare professionals to provide i… | Perioral,  Restylane, Skin health

The Restylane® line smooths away facial wrinkles and folds ( Restylane,2 Restylane Lyft,3 Restylane Refyne,4 Restylane Defyne5 ), provides subtle lip enhancement (Restylane,2 Restylane Silk6), smooths the lines around the mouth (Restylane Silk6), adds lift and volume to the cheeks (Restylane Lyft3), and helps reverse the signs of volume loss in the back of the hands (Restylane Lyft3).


How does Restylane work?

To understand the model of operation that this dermal filler incorporates, one has to first understand the underlying cause of facial lines and wrinkles.

The skin grows with us as we age – sometimes at a much faster or lower pace. The aging of the facial muscles starts anywhere from the 20s and continue into the later life. What happens at this stage in life is that all of the hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin being produced by the skin starts declining till they are no more.

These proteins and acid are all responsible for giving the skin its plumpness, elasticity and freshness. It is, thus, no surprise that when they are no longer there, the skin starts to lose fat, becomes drier and gets lines/ wrinkles all over it. Restylane – being that it contains hyaluronic acid out of the box – is then introduced to reverse this process.

The skin is being fed with a supply of the acid that it is so getting low on. That would help return some of the plumpness, elasticity and fullness to the skin. As time goes on, collagen and elastin production are stimulated. Those go on to make sure the skin can stretch again, erasing all the sagging lines that were initially there.

Restylane - Cosmetic Surgical Arts & Rejuvenation of Oklahoma


‧圖片只供參考,療程效果因人而異。‧ NuMe名人美學概念保留隨時更改或終止條款及細則的權利,而無須另行通知。‧如有任何爭議,NuMe名人美學概念保留最終決定權。




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Profhilo H+L – Urban Derm

Profhilo is a new breakthrough skin treatment developed by IBSA,
a multinational pharmaceutical corporation,
owner of 65 exclusive registered patents worldwide.

Profhilo introduces a new category in the injectables market – bio remodeling.
It is not a dermal filler, nor is it a skin revitalizer.
Profhilo is an injectable, stabilized Hyaluronic Acid based product, designed to remodel multi-layer skin tissue.

It is an anti-aging product that treats the source of aging and not only the aging symptoms.

The Natural Solution

Profhilo is composed of a highly-pure Hyaluronic Acid produced according to a patented technology (NAHYCO). Its unique composition features the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid available in the market.

Profhilo contains 64 mg of pure hyaluronic acid (HA), produced without the use of chemical cross-linking agents (BDDE).

Its innovative nature goes beyond its components and production and onto the unique delivery method, requiring fewer injections and sessions, treating even the most challenging areas such as the neck and upper hands.

‧圖片只供參考,療程效果因人而異。‧ NuMe名人美學概念保留隨時更改或終止條款及細則的權利,而無須另行通知。‧如有任何爭議,NuMe名人美學概念保留最終決定權。